Danielle Kuijten holds a Master of Museology from the Reinwardt Academy ( Amsterdam University of the Arts). Since 2012 she works for Imagine IC, a pioneer in the field of heritage of the contemporary society. Since march 2023 in the role of director. Here she is building a participative neighbourhood archive on and in the Amsterdam district South East. Recent exhibitions she produced here are Black Resistance, Queering Southeast, Personal archives of 25 year Bijlmerdisaster and Saya and Koto: layers of fabric and of time. Besides her work at Imagine IC she is active as a freelancer in the heritage field under the name Heritage Concepting. Her main focus in projects is on participatory collecting methods, contemporary collecting, action curating and decolonization of museum praxis. Danielle is a regular guest on international conferences giving presentations and workshops and is president at COMCOL, ICOM’s international committee for collecting.
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